sample tracks – 37 MB]
Pooka +: Pooka + (2023)
Owl (+ j$) / Burning
(+ Morti) / Breathe (+ j$ + Andy) / Magikarp (+ Morti + Claudia)
Pookie K & Unbalanced Grass: SMOL! (2021)
Nights in Shanghai
/ Ggrphcl Fg / Max! / Famous / Dickhead (Interlude) / Coke 0 / Hour /
Knightmare (Series 8 Quest 1) / Leroy / (Put A) Donk (On It!) / An Open Letter
To YouTube AdSense
Quarantine: Pookie K’s WhatsApp Musical Flail (2020)
Live Session
Laura Close /
Invigilator / DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR / Bathroom Floor / I Hold Your Hand
In Mine / Blood On The Pages / (There’s Nothing Good About) Bridgwater / My
Horse / Lonely Caveman / Extractor / Technological Boots / Whale In My Room /
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide / Silver Birch
tracks – 21MB]
Pookie K & Unbalanced Grass: Cherries (2019)
Invigilator /
Whale In My Room / Sub / DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR / My Horse / The Morning
After / A Love Song For My Chalazion / Oxford / Polar Laid Bare / Memories of
Winter / Technological Boots / Extractor
Pookie K & Unbalanced Grass: You Are A Card! (2018)
Laura Close /
Coffee? / Snow On Me / St Ives / Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Unbalanced Grass: Straight From The Goat (2010)
Bridgwater /
Lonely Caveman / Untitled / Sunday / Melted Into Sound / Teacher / Spoiler: It
Doesn’t Work / Bathroom Floor / I Don’t Care / Dalek / Castle of D /
Unbalanced Grass: The Rest Of... (2009)
Compilation Album
7 James Covers / 5
Other Covers / 4 Morti Tracks / 2 Pookie K Tracks / 2 Unbalanced Grass Tracks /
Edelweiss Pirates
Unbalanced Grass: Four All (2009)
Compilation Album (digitally remastered)
Moonstone / Bigger Than Judas / Sappharis Remastered / We Must Rebuild
Unbalanced Grass: Melted Into Sound (2008)
Melted Into Sound
/ Melted Into Sound (Acoustic) / LSD β
tracks – 6 MB]
Pookie K: Buyer 2 (2008)
Phonecall / Genius
/ Virgin / Political Love / Everything’s Going Wrong / March of the Chaffinches
(Third Movement: Waltz) / Sherbet Lemon / Celebrity Crush / Beauty and the
Bitch / Scrapple! / Inevitable Superstardom
Unbalanced Grass: We Must Rebuild (2007)
Lysergic Acid
Diethylamide / Slipping Away / Hedex / Epilogue
Pookie K: Fall Down, Spring Back (2007)
Tears / The Girl
Who Cuts My Hair / Crying at Christmas / Unresolved / Journey
Reset / March of
the Chaffinches (Second Movement) / 5X Star / Ring of Amber’s Theme / Summer
Pookie K: Summer Heat (2006)
Smitten /
Guidetrack / March of the Chaffinches / A.M.B.E.R. / Salute / Twinkle, Twinkle,
My Guitar / It’s So Fresh! (Violet Nights) /ようかできました!
/ 00 Seventh / Audioactivity / Bass C
Unbalanced Grass: Sappharis Remastered (2006)
Brown Sauce /
Eyebrow (Acoustic 2005) / Hand Over Mouth / Edmonton / #Metal / Guest Service
Award / Flood / Many, Many Undead People / Block / Lost The Game
Unbalanced Grass: Bigger Than Judas (2005)
Never Touch You /
Please, Siren / Blood On The Pages / Hump The Animals!
Unbalanced Grass: Sappharis Moonstone (2004)
Brown Sauce / Hump
The Animals! / Many, Many Undead People / Hand Over Mouth (AKA Deryck) / Blood
On The Pages / Eyebrow / Guest Service Award / Lysergic Acid Diethylamide /
Block / Flood / Robot Finds Kitten
Pooka: Talking Bollards (2002)
Herbal Tea /
National Curriculum / Hump The Animals! / Edelweiss Pirates / Edmonton / Many,
Many Undead People / Natural Moral Law / Eyebrow / Fly Away..... / Lysergic
Acid Diethylamide
The Piraten: Zuverlässig (2001)
Copyright © Pookie K, 2020